Sunday, April 26, 2015

2 Extremely Funny Traps

Hello. Today I will be telling you how to make 2 traps. Enjoy!

Piston Trap:
First, create a space that is 4x4 and put pressure plates on all of the blocks. Do this in a strategic place, like the floor of the victim's house. Break one of the 4 pressure plates in the center and replace with a chest and sign that says "Free diamonds". Fill this chest with something stupid, like paper, or music discs. Put pistons around the perimeter. When the victim comes in,he or she will jump the piston, and step on the plates, trapping him- of herself in.

"Free Diamonds!"
Dig down 5 blocks. Fill them with TNT. Break the top block and replace with whatever the floor is (Assuming you did all of this inside you victim's house), and place a trapped chest on top of the TNT. You don't need to put a sign that says, "Free Diamonds", because they will just open it out of curiosity. The trapped chest will activate the TNT because it sends out a redstone signal when it opens, blowing them up. Enjoy

Heh, Heh.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


      Hello. I apologize for the long distance between blogs, but i have had a lot going on. I just was in Sedona for a week and I couldn't really blog. If you don't know who Ali A is, he is a great Youtuber who does Minecraft, Call of Duty, and other fun games. If you are allowed to go on Youtube, you should go check him out. Today I will be reviewing his server. Happy Easter!

      Ali A's server has many games, so I will only cover the arcade games. There are Hunger Games, Skywars, Walls, CookieSlap, Capture the Flag, and parkour. Hunger Games is an every-man-for-himself PvP (Player versus Player). Last man standing wins. Skywars is where you are stranded on an island and try to kill all the other people. You have two chests of items, but in the center there is a bunch of more useful and powerful gear. In the version of walls I play, you have ten minutes to prepair, and then the wall s drop and the Deathmatch begins. The team that eliminates the other team first, wins. CookieSlap is where you have a knockback III cookie and you try to hit others off. You can respawn. Hopefully this will outline the sever for you and will convince you to play.


Europe server:

US server:

Ali A's channel:

Ali A's other channel: